Middle and Late Adulthood

Cards (16)

  • Type of intelligence, proposed by Horn and Cattell, that is applied to novel problems and is relatively independent of educational and cultural influences
    Fluid Intelligence
  • ability to remember and use learned information; it is largely dependent on education and culture
    Crystallized intelligence
  • process that allows expertise to compensate for declines in information-processing ability by bundling relevant knowledge together

  • Divergent Thinking (Creativity) is said to PEAK at what stage/age of life?
    late thirties
  • Occupational Roles in INDUSTRIALIZED SOCIETY
    • Young people are students
    • Young and middle-aged adults are workers
    • Older adults organize their lives around retirement and leisure.
  • Before bringing their working lives to a complete stop, people may reduce work hours or days, gradually moving into retirement over a number of years
    Phased Retirement
  • perceptual speed tended to decline earliest and most rapidly
  • Long-term memory of GENERAL FACTUAL KNOWLDEDGE, social customs, and language
    Semantic Memory
  • Long-term memory of motor skills, habits, and ways of doing things, which can be recalled without conscious effort
    Procedural memory (Implicit memory)
  • occurs in people of all ages but becomes MORE COMMON IN LATE ADULTHOOD which results from a failure in working memory
    Tip-of-the-tongue Phenomenon
  • Alzheimer's disease disrupts working memory (located in the prefrontal cortex at the front of the frontal lobes) as well as semantic and episodic memory (located in the frontal and temporal lobes)
  • Parkinson’s disease affects procedural memory, located in the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and other areas
  • Dysfunction in these areas may cause false memories— “remembering” events that never occurred.
    Frontal Lobes
  • better memory is associated with larger hippocampal volume
  • involves remembering to do something in the future, such as remembering to call a friend later
    Prospective memory
    • “exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge about the conditions of life and human affairs and reflective judgment about the application of this knowledge"
    • ability to navigate the messiness of life