Information Technology

Cards (48)

  • Computer security

    Concepts related to identifying, assessing and managing attacks on a computer system
  • Cybersecurity
    Concepts related to identifying, assessing and managing attacks on a computer system
  • Computer abuse is any activity during which a computer system or its data is accessed, modified or denied without proper authorization
  • Cyberspace
    Any data or resource that can be accessed via a computer or the internet
  • Cyberspace
    • Youtube
    • Tik Tok App
    • Phone App
  • Cybercrime is any crime perpetrated using computers and computer systems, e.g. piracy, ransomware
  • Cybersecurity involves identifying, assessing and managing attacks on computer systems
  • Chapter 4: Social and Economic impact of information and communication technology
  • Computer security

    All the activities related to identifying, assessing and managing threats to a computer system
  • Computer misuse
    Any activity during which a computer system or computer data is accessed or its data is accessed, modified or deleted without proper authorization
  • Cyberspace
    Any data or resource that can be accessed via a computer network
  • Examples of cyberspace

    • Youtube
    • Tik Tok App
    • Phone App
  • Cybercrime
    Any crime perpetrated using computers and networks
  • Examples of cybercrime

    • Economic espionage
    • Ransomware
  • Cybersecurity
    All activities related to identifying, assessing and managing the vulnerabilities, threats and attacks from cyberspace
  • Firewall
    Monitors a network, blocking dangerous content
  • Firewall
    • Can be a physical device attached to a network or software running on a connected computer
  • Vulnerability
    Exposure to the possibility of being attacked
  • Threat
    A statement of an intention to inflict harm or damage
  • Countermeasure
    An action taken to counteract a threat
  • Examples of computer misuse by individuals
    • Using work computers for personal browsing during work hours
  • Examples of computer misuse by organizations

    • Industrial espionage
    • Unauthorized accessing of a competitor's computer systems to obtain confidential data
  • Examples of computer misuse by governments
    • Intercepting private emails
  • Cyberbullying
    A form of bullying or harassment using computer-based communications to post, send or share negative, harmful, false or mean content about someone else, causing embarrassment or humiliation
  • Identity theft

    The deliberate use of someone else's personal information, usually to gain a financial advantage
  • Examples of identity theft

    • Obtaining loans and credit cards
    • Fraudulent withdrawals from bank accounts
    • Fraudulent use of identity documents
  • Indecent material

    Material of a sexual nature or that offends against society's morality, which can lead to emotional distress of the victim and the perpetrator may lose their job and be subject to prosecution
  • Phishing
    The attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication
  • Privacy
    The right of an individual to choose freely under what circumstances and to what extent they will reveal information about themselves
  • Personal data

    Information such as name, address, date of birth
  • Privacy violation

    The act of sharing any of the above personal data without the individual's consent
  • Cookie
    A piece of data set from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing
  • Copyright
    A legal right that gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights over its use and distribution
  • Copyright infringement

    Reproducing, creating a derivative work, distributing, performing or otherwise benefiting from the copyright without obtaining the requisite permissions
  • One effect of copyright infringement is the loss of revenue for the rights holder
  • Software piracy

    The unauthorized reproduction, distribution or use of software products
  • Data theft

    The unauthorized access and theft of data
  • Denial-of-service (DOS) attack

    A cyber-attack where the intent is to prevent a Service being delivered by the target system
  • Distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack

    A cyber-attack during which the target system is flooded with requests that overload the target system
  • DDOS attack

    Can cause businesses to lose revenue and customers may decide to switch to a more reliable alternative