modern medicine

Cards (35)

  • what is the structure of DNA?
    Double helix
  • who discovered DNA? and when?
    Francis Crick and James Watson
  • what did Rosalind Franklin do?

    1st person to take x-ray photos of DNA
  • when was the human genome project?
    1986- 2001
  • how many countries were included in the human genome project?
  • what did the human genome project do?
    compiled a completed map of the human DNA
    helped to discover genetic diseases
  • name 2 genetic diseases?
    downs syndrome
    cystic fibrosis
  • what did Martin Evans discover and when?
    stem cells in 2007
  • when were electron microscopes discovered?
  • what is an endoscope?
    a camera inside a flexible tube passed through the body so doctors can see inside the body without surgery
  • how do scans/monitors help with diagnosis?
    scan the body to identify cancers/ other illnesses to catch disease as early as possible
  • how does nuclear medicine help diagnosis?
    radioactive elements injected into the bloodstream where they track and diagnose changes in the body through disease
  • who discovered penicillin and when?
    Alexander Fleming in 1928
  • what did Fleming use penicillin to treat?
    a colleague’s eye infection
  • who mass produced penicillin?
    Florey and Chain
  • how many doses of penicillin was there for D-Day?
    2.3 million
  • how much funding did florey and chain get from the uk and us government?
    uk- £ 25
    us- $ 3 million
  • who discovered the 1st magic bullet, when, and what was its name?
    Paul Ehrlick, in 1900, named salvarsan 606
  • what was salvarsan 606 able to do?
    kill the bacteria that caused syphilis but also killed the patiet
  • what was the 2nd magic bullet, who discovered it and when?
    gerhard domagk
  • who did domagk cure with his magic bullet?
    his daughter from blood poisoning
  • what did both magic bullets contain?
    which cured diseases like pneumonia and scarlet fever
  • who wrote the beveridge report? and when?
    William Beveridge in 1942
  • what did the beveridge report suggest?
    • creating a national health service which should be free and paid for from taxes
    • everyone in work would pay national insurance out of their wages
    • 600,000 copies sold
  • when was the NHS introduced?
    July 1948
  • how many people had never seen a doctor before the NHS?
    8 million
  • who discovered blood groups and when?
    karl landsteiner in 1901
  • what was initially added to blood to stop it clotting?
    sodium citrate
  • who discovered x-rays and when?
    Wilhelm Roentgen, 1895
  • when was the 1st heart transplant and who by?
    1967, Christiaan Barnard
  • what is keyhole surgery?

    surgeons cut into the body through as small a hole as possible
  • when was the indoor smoking ban?
  • when were tobacco vending machines banned?
  • when was the national insurance act?
  • when was the ministry of health set up?