Cards (6)

  • patient is PWB on their right leg following hip surgery, they also have problems with both wrists so painful to weight bear through them. They are mobile with a frame but have not walked with crutches before – WALKING WITH GUTTER CRUTCHES
    • to measure gutter crutches you need to measure the gutter frames first
    • there should be around 90 degrees of elbow flexion, without there being too much lumbar flexion on the gutter frame
    • for the gutter crutches get the pts to stand up right, holding onto gutter frame, with weight forward and with the elbow flexed to measure the height
  • patient is PWB on their right leg following hip surgery, they also have problems with both wrists so painful to weight bear through them. They are mobile with a frame but have not walked with crutches before – WALKING WITH GUTTER CRUTCHES
    • to transfer onto gutter crutch, have pts holding gutter frame and then transfer one arm onto one crutch, whilst holing onto the frame with the other arm, then transfer the other arm
    • to get off the gutter crutch, stand by the plinth, move one arm onto the gutter frame, then the other, then reach down to plinth with the good side, then the injured side
    • safety checks are similar to the crutches
    • ferrules must have good grip on it and are securely on the legs
    • the poppers must be visible and are stable
    • the poppers must be at the same level on each leg
    • the shafts must maintain their integrity - shouldnt be any dents, as it may collapse if someone puts their weight on it
    • there should be a sticker saying its been confirmed for safety (same as crutches)
    • the handles mustnt have any cracks
    • shouldn't be able to move the ferrules at all
    • need to make sure theres no wear in the holes
    • the poppers should be able to come out
    • the handle shouldnt be able to move around
    • the handle pivot should be firm
    • no damage or loose bolts by the elbow cuff
    • 3 point PWB:
    • both crutches forward, injured leg, then good leg (swing and two)
    • can also bring good leg forward past line of crutches and injured leg (swing and through)
    • 2 point PWB:
    • attempts to normalise gait as much as possible
    • injured leg and crutches move forward at the same time and then good leg swings through, being place in front of injured leg and crutches
  • patient is PWB on their right leg following hip surgery, they also have problems with both wrists so painful to weight bear through them. They are mobile with a frame but have not walked with crutches before – WALKING WITH GUTTER CRUTCHES