colour perception

Cards (45)

  • Purpose of colour perception
    Detect ripeness of fruit + veg, poisonous vs non-poisonous berries, fresh vs rotten meat (tho also by smell), social + emotional cues (e.g., blushing, attractiveness, fear), sexual selection (health of potential mate), health (e.g., illness)
  • Sclera
    • Whites of your eyes ⇒ easy to tell what direction we're looking (irises stand out) ⇒ see where others are looking (survival, sociability…)
  • Light
    Frequency and amplitude (only two light qualities relevant for humans)
  • Intensity/amplitude

    How bright light is
  • Light waves can have same wavelength while varying in intensity and vice versa
  • White light
    Not a colour at all, but the composition of all of the wavelengths in the visible spectrum
  • Sun bends fast wavelengths of light (blue) more than slower wavelengths

    Blue sky and blue eyes
  • Blue eyes
    Absence of melanin (protects eye from sunlight) in iris
  • Green eyes
    Little bit of melanin
  • Hue
    Actual colour, determined by wavelengths
  • Hot colours
    Larger (slower) wavelengths
  • Cold colours
    Shorter (faster) wavelengths
  • Wavelengths don't have colour, just speed → colours made up by our perceptual system
  • Colour we see
    Everything that the object is not → the refractive property of the object (rejected wavelength that it didn't absorb)
  • Brightness
    Intensity of light wave (amount of light in a colour) → the higher intensity the light wave (as signaled by its amplitude), the more bright the reflecting object
  • Black
    Absence of light
  • Saturation
    Complexity of the wavelengths of the light entering the eye/amount of white/how pure wavelength is/how colourful colour is with respect to its own brightness
  • If just one wavelength → completely saturated
  • Rarely occurs irl → objects reflect several wavelengths, ⬆ amount of wavelengths that enter the eye ⇒ ⬇dominant wavelengths saturation
  • White light → no saturation → light saturated w all wavelengths
  • Electromagnetic spectrum
    We're sensitive to extremely small proportion of it (visible light) bc atmosphere blocks most other wavelengths of light out (can't come into our environment) ⇒ being sensitive to it wouldn't be useful, no point in evolving to see it
  • Slower wavelengths (e.g., infrared + microwaves) can get through atmosphere → why are we not sensitive to them?
  • We used to be fish → gills migrated and became 3 little bones in our inner ear + jaw, larynx, throat
  • The deeper in the water, the less colour you see, but red goes through a little bit (explains why we can see colours of tropical fish)
  • Rods and cones
    Contain pigments that change their chemical composition in response to dif frequencies of light
  • Rods
    • At night (pigments regenerate every 30 mins), bleached out during day bc light levels too intense, 120 mill rods → in periphery, absent in fovea ⇒ low acuity, high sensitivity
  • Cones
    • During day (ˮˮ6 mins), not sensitive enough to convey info in the dark, 67 mill cones → in fovea ⇒ high acuity, responsible for colour vision
  • Pigment specificity, absorption rates and wavelength sensitivity
    3 dif types of cones → each contains photopigment sensitive to dif wavelengths
  • Cones absorption rates → no one cone can determine absolute colour because cones have a maximum sensitivity → fires to one wavelength the most, but also a little bit to other wavelengths → the further away it gets from max sensitivity, the less that it fires
  • A cone will fire more if there's a higher intensity of light → could be same wavelength but at higher intensity ⇒ cone fires more
  • Combination of all 3 cones ⇒ figure out what colour it is → why do we need more than one cone? bc they're sensitive to several wavelengths 2 completely dif wavelengths can produce same signal in one photoreceptor ⇒ perceptual system compares differences in signals across the 3 dif photoreceptors to determine wavelength and intensity
  • 2 intersections ⇒ ambiguous what colour it is (blue or greenish yellow? long wavelength cone firing almost 1 yellow (if it were blue, long wavelength cone would be firing at .25 v low)
  • Dif rates of firing of photoreceptors account for all the colour spectrums we see ⇒ produced by combos of RBG
  • What photoreceptors are actually doing is adding together the amount of RGB in the scene → what TV and computer screens do (tiny pixels of RGB)
  • Colourblindness
    Due to individuals missing specific type of cone → dif sensitivity to dif colours
  • If missing LW cone → Ø red end of spectrum, if missing SW cone → Ø blue end, LW and MW → only one cone ⇒ can't determine colour w just one cone ⇒ colourblindness
  • Rods are colourblind (we can't see colours at night)
  • The more cones you have, the more you can disambiguate between wavelengths e.g., if w 3 cones i just see blue, a creature w more cones will be able to see dif colours of blue within that blue
  • Underwater creatures e.g., dolphin, seal, manatee → typically 1 cone (usually blue one bc it's the one that gets through water), dogs, new world monkeys, mice, cats… most mammals → 2, humans, old world monkeys → 3, geckos, birds, fish → 4, butterflies → 6, mantis shrimp → 12
  • Dif creatures → dif distributions of what types of light they're sensitive to e.g., bees better w blue spectrum, bird w both sides of spectrum