Stirling et al comparedperformance on a range of cognitivetasks in 30 people with schizophrenia and a controlgroup of 30 people without schizophrenia
Tasks included the Stroop task , in which pp have to name the font-colours of colour-words, so have to suppress the tendency to read the wordsaloud
As predicted by Frith et al's centralcontroltheory, people with schizophrenia took longer - over twice as long on average - to name the font-colours
This means that the cognitiveprocesses of people with schizophrenia are impaired
only explain the proximalorigins of symptoms
Cognitive explanations for schizophrenia are proximal explanations because they explain what is happeningnow to producesymptoms - as distinct from distal explanations which focus on what initiallycaused the condition
Possible distal explanations are genetic
What is unclear is how childhoodtrauma might lead to problems with metarepresentation
on their own only provide partial explanations for schizophrenia