For a diagnosis of schizophrenia to be reliable it must show consistency and agreement across diagnosing clinicians i.e. the same set of symptoms must be given the same diagnosis regardless of who is doing the diagnosing
Inter-rater reliability refers to if more than one clinician is diagnosing the same patient then they should both/all agree as to the diagnosis
the extent to which the samediagnostictool eg DSM provides the same outcome over a longperiod of time
issues with reliability occur when (as does happen) clinicians disagree as to the diagnosis
Unreliablediagnosis may happen if clinicians do not use the samediagnostictools e.g. one clinician uses the DSM and other uses the ICD, regardless of year of publication of both of these manuals
the extent that a diagnosis represents something something that is real and distinct from otherdisorders
and the extent that a classification system such as DSM-5 measures what it claims to measure
Rosenhan tested the validity of schizophrenia diagnosis in a field experiment in which he and eightconfederates reported falsesymptoms and were all (butone) admitted to mental hospitals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
issues with validity
symptom overlap- sz shares somesymptoms with other disorders
such as delusions also being a symptom of bipolardisorder which can lead to confusion in diagnosis
Co-morbidity is when one patient may presentsymptoms (and/or be suffering from) more than one mental illness
Symptomoverlap is when two or moreillnesses have some of the samesymptoms e.g. avolition (a negative symptom of schizophrenia) overlaps with symptoms of depression - lethargy, lack of motivation
— Buckley et al found significant co-morbidity between schizophrenia and other mentalhealthdisorders, such as OCD and PTSD. researchers found that 29% of their SZ patients suffered from PTSD, whilst 50% suffered depression. Particularly in the case of depression - suggests that if schizophrenia is so frequently diagnosed with other psychiatric disorders, then these two disorders may be the same - a more accurate and valid method of diagnosis would be to combine these two. Therefore - issues of validity in the diagnosis of SZ and attempting to differentiate symptoms from otherdisorders.