cels module 4

Cards (8)

  • out of the following which is the prokaryote; protozoa, fungi, bacteria, helminths?
  • what are the three types of horizontal gene transfer?
    transformation, transduction, conjugation
  • what are the stages of the bacteriophage infection/lytic cycle?
    attachment, penetration, uncoating, genome replication and gene expression, assembly, release.
  • what are the 4 trophic groups?

    photoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, chemoautotrophs, chemoheterotrophs
  • what are the pros of culture dependant methods?
    access to phenotype, ability to manipulate conditions to see response, can study one organism at a time
  • what are the cons of culture dependant methods?
    not all organisms can be cultured, too many species to culture, requires precise conditions, does not match real world conditions
  • what are the pros of culture independant methods?
    access to genotype, can study many organisms at a time, shows communities as they are in nature, can target non culturable organisms, provides access to unknown information/species
  • what are the cons of culture independant methods?
    expensive and complex, no pure culture so inability to manipulate conditions