Interviewed 60 Chicago high school teachers and found MC children were seen as closest to the 'ideal pupil'. Work, conduct and appearance all influenced their judgment
Rosenthal and JacobsenClass- Self-Fulfilling prophecy
Bowles and Gintis
Class- correspondence principle, the hidden curriculum
Class- Material deprivation: Lower class families lack money to support children in many ways- working class families may care less about their children's education
McRobbieGender- bedroom culture: women more suited to classroom behaviour
Mistos and BrowneGender- feminist movement raised women's expectation, girls do better than boys at coursework
SharpeGender- research into values of women have changed: 1970s women focus on family, later in 1990s, girls were focused on work
swann - Gender- teachers spend time telling boys off as opposed to helping then with work
Ethnicity- ethnic minority group parents are at a disadvantage, less aware of how the school system works
Role of education- school is a bridge between work and the family. Schools encourage universalistic values.
davis and moore
Role of education- role allocation: school sorts people into roles in society. This is why there is inequality as all roles must be filled
chubb and moe
Role of education- private schools are better as they are answering to paying customers. State education doesn't provide students with enough skills for the economy
Role of education- correspondence principal/hidden curriculum: education prepares you for the exploitation and hierarchy in the workplace
bowles and gintis
Educational policy- linked to parentocracy, three types of parental choosers: privileged local choosers, semi-skilled choosers, disconnected local choosers
cream skimming theory ( starts with bar)
the myth of parentocracy, not all parents have a choice of where they send their children