
Subdecks (1)

Cards (132)

  • trust vs mistrust
    0-1 1/2 years
    Trust (or mistrust) that basic needs such as nourishment and affection will be met
  • automony vs shame & doubt
    1 1/2 - 3 years
    develop a sense of independence in many tasks
  • initiative vs guilt
    3 - 5 years
    takes initiative on activities - may develop a sense of guilt when unsuccessful
  • industry vs inferiority
    5 - 12 years

    develop a sense of confidence in abilities when component or self inferiority when not
  • identity vs role confusion
    12 - 18 years

    experiement with and develop identity with others
  • intimacy vs isolation
    18-40 years
    establish intimacy and relationships with others
  • generavity vs stagnation
    40 - 65 years
    contribute to society and be part of a family
  • ego integrity vs despair
    assess and make sense of life and meaning of contributions
  • individualized education plan
    An educational learning plan that is designed to meet the specific needs of an individual whose disabilities impact their academic success
  • child find
    School district's responsibility to identify and evaluate students who may need special education services at no charge to families
  • accomodation
    Removing learning barriers in the classroom to provide equal access to learning
  • modification
    A change in what is taught and/or what a student is expected to do
  • due process
    students have the right to be treated fairly, meaning the right to be notified of the charges and the right to a hearing conducted by impartial parties.
  • Copyright
    the legal right to intellectual property (stories, videos, poems, lessons, etc.)
  • summative assessment
    Assessment OF Learning
    given at a specific point in time in order to determine what students know and don't know.
    - state assessments
    - district benchmarks
  • Performanced Based Assessment
    Requires students to show mastery of specific skills by demonstrating something
    - building models
    - developing portfolios
    - designing experiements
  • Congruent Assessment
    Tests the learning outcomes described in the learning objective. Should include questions that determine whether students have achieved their goals.
  • Diagnostic / Pre- Assessment
    Assessment is administered before instruction to determine students strengths and weaknesses.
  • Progress Monitoring
    Periodic assessments are used to monitor student growth and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction.
  • Universal Screener
    - Gathers data for all students
    - intervention groups
  • feedback
    the information provided to students from their teachers to improve their learning
  • Criterion Referenced Tests
    compare students performance to a pre determined standard
    - scored
    - 70% to pass
  • Intrinsically Motivated
    students draw their motivation from the learning process itself
  • Extrinsically Motivated
    the motive for the activity comes from outside the individual
  • Wait time
    the silence that happens after a question has been asked but before students have finished considering their answer or find the courage to speak up.
  • Relevance
    an authentic connection to the learners experience, which makes what is being learned more meaningful
  • Transfer
    the process of student learning when the students are able to use the knowledge or skill in a new situation
  • Think Pair Share
    Active learning activity in which the teacher provides a prompt
    the students consider it individually (think)
    then pair up and brainstorm responses (pair)
    and then students share their results (share)
  • scaffolding
    a method of teaching that involves gradually removing aids when teaching new concepts
  • formative assessments
    assessment FOR learning
    usually a mid instruction assessment with the purpose of assessing student progress and informing the teacher so instruction can be altered as needed.
    - graphic organizers
    - games
    What do I teach NEXT?
  • formal assesssments

    usually a post instruction assessment with the purpose of assessing student knowledge, retention, and application. often uses a standardized rubric or scoring guide.
    - chapter tests
    - semester tests
  • informal assessments

    more flexible than formal assessments and can be adjusted to fit the situation. usually occurs before or during the lesson.
    - observations during a lesson
  • curriculum based assessments

    testing the curriculum being taught
  • portfolio
    a collection of students work and achievements; used to assess past accomplishments and future potential.
  • action research
    gathering data that helps identify weaknesses in instruction or curriculum
  • norm-referenced tests
    tests that compare an individuals performance/achievement
    comparing students to each other rank according to performance.
  • Reliability
    these exams produce the same scores when given in the same conditions
  • Validity
    the ability of a test or a question to measure what is supposed to measure
  • kinesthetic/tactile learning
    learning primarily through touching things or doing an activity
    - hands on activities
    - movement
  • auditory learning

    learning primarily by hearing new information through listening to peers and to the teacher.
    - read alouds
    - videos
    - verbal direction