the coding, storage and retrieval of information about events that have happened in the past - includes STM and LTM
the form in which information is represented / stored in memory e.g. visually, semantically, acoustically
the measure of how much information can be held in our memory - often held in 'bits'
the length of time which memory can be stored
Sensory Register (SR)
automatic response to the reception of sensory information
Short term memory
present conscious experience where information is processed from the SR through attention and rehearsal
Long term memory
information can be permanently stored and there are different types of long term memory e.g. procedural, semantic, episodic
Multi-store memory model
sensory register - (attention) -> short term memory - (elaborative rehearsal) -> long term memory - ( retrieval ) -> short term memory
Sensory register coding
it processes information from the sensory organs; information is stored in an unprocessed form - modality specific
echoic store
for auditory information
remember by: echo = hear
iconic store
for visual information
remember by: i = eye
haptic store
for tactile (touch) information
remember by: ha = hands
olfactory store
for smells
Crowder (1993) research
the echoic store holds information for 2-3 seconds
the iconic store holds information for a few milliseconds
= therefore different stores have different durations
Sensory register capacity
a very large capacity; pieces of information are in their original forms and are highly detailed
Sensory register duration
limited duration of 250 - 500 milliseconds; however different stores' information decays at different rates
Short term memory coding
mainly acoustically = heard
Baddeley (1966) procedure
75 participants divided into 4 groups presented with one of four word lists and repeated 4 times
testing STM - list with original words in wrong order = must rearrange
testing LTM - same procedure; 20 minute interval before retrieval
Baddeley (1966) lists
List A = acoustically similar words
List B = acoustically dissimilar words
List C = semantically similar words
List D = semantically dissimilar words
Baddeley (1966) findings
(STM) list A performed the worst = 10% recall as similar sounding words were confused; other lists had 60-80% recall
(LTM) list C performed the worst = 55% recall as similar meaning words were confused; other lists had 70-85% recall
Short term memory capacity
limited capacity of 7 + / - 2 items
Miller (1956):
participants did the digit span technique to investigate STM capacity; found people recall numbers better than letters 7 is the magic number
individual pieces of information are grouped into larger units so take up less space in the STM
Short term memory duration
limited duration of around 30 seconds
Peterson and Peterson (1959) procedure
24 university students presented with a list of trigrams to recall
time interval between the presentation of each trigram and recall varied
ppts had to count backwards in 3s or 4s until told to stop = time intervals were 3 6 9 12 15 and 18 seconds
Peterson and Peterson (1959) findings
90% of trigrams were recalled after a 3 second interval
2% of trigrams were recalled after a 18 second interval
= therefore information remains in the STM if verbal rehearsal is prevented
Long term memory coding
information is processed semantically - e.g. Baddeley (1966) study
however; music is stored acoustically
Long term memory capacity
unlimited potentially; but information can be lost via decay or interference
Clive Wearing case study
hippocampus was destroyed by a viral infection
unable to lay down long term memories
he could play the piano and sight read
= procedural memory was intact -> suggesting separate stores for the STM and LTM
Long term memory duration
memories can last for a lifetime; longer duration of memories when they are originally well coded - but doesn't need to be rehearsed continually to be maintained
Bahrick et al (1975) procedure
392 graduates shown photos from a high school yearbook
recognition group = given a list of names must select who
recall group = must name people in each photo
Bahrick et al (1975) findings
recognition condition: 90% accuracy 14 years after graduation; 60% accuracy after 47 years
recall condition: 60% accuracy 7 years after graduation; less than 20% accuracy after 47 years
elaborative rehearsal
the transfer of information between STM and LTM
primary effect
a cognitive bias referring to an individual's tendency to better remember the first piece of information received
recency effect
a cognitive bias referring to an individual's tendency to better remember the last piece of information received
H.M (Milner, 1966) case study
hippocampus was removed
could no longer form long term memories
could acquire new skills = procedural memory still intact
= suggests there is a separate STM and LTM store
Multi store memory model strengths
evidence supports the separate stores - case studies; further evidence from laboratory studies e.g. Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)
Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)
found that participants could better recall words from the beginning or end of a list = serial position effect
= therefore supports idea of separate STM and LTM
Multi store memory model limitations
doesn't explain processes of coding; Elaborative rehearsal may not be the only way to transfer information from the STM to the LTM e.g. flashbulb memories; reductionist; working memory model is more detailed and comprehensive;