Phenotype-the observable characterisitcs of the genotype
Gene-a stand on DNA that codes for a protein and therefore a trait, physical or psychological e.g. IQ
Trait- the physical, social, emotional qualities of an organism eyes, tall, hates carrots
Biological structures-an arrangement or organisation of parts to form an organ system or living thing.
Evolution-the changes in inherited characteristics in a biological population of a successful generation.
Biopsychologists focus upon how biological forces shape human behaviour.
Genetic basis of twins, used to show that certain traits have a genetic basis.Identical, monozygotic high concordance rates share 100%of genes. Non identical dizygotic share only 50% of genes.
Evolution- giraffes, one giraffe was born with a longer neck than the other therefore a better chance of survival as it was able to reach the food higher up on the trees compared to the rest. It then reproduced and its offsprings then had longer necks. The giraffes with the longest necks survived and kept reproducing until giraffes have the long necks we see today.
Advantages- useful applications, objective data easy to analyse measure and compare, removes self blame
Disadvantages-deterministic(nofreewill), reductionist(makes something more simple than it is), ignores individualdifferences(normative) and cant seperate nature with nurture.