
    Cards (6)

    • Strength 1- There is research to support in reducing the pressure to conform through having an ally.
    • Asch(1951): In Asch's unanimity of majority variation, Asch had one confederate give the correct answer throughout. Conformity dropped considerably to 5%. Showing breaking group consensus was the main influence.
    • This suggests that having social support helps a person to remain independent and resist conforming to the group.(Only for NSI.)
    • Strength 2: There is research to support for resistance to the pressure to obey through an ally.
    • Milgram: In one of Milgram's variations, the ppt was paired with two more confederates, pretending to be teachers with them. These confederates 'withdrew' from experiment early and it dropped from 65% to 10%.
    • This suggests that with support from others, confidence in increased and it reduces the likelihood of people obeying orders from an authority figure.
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