Cards (59)

  • types of blood vessels
    elastic artery
    muscular artery
  • elastic (conduction) arteries

    smooth but large blood pressure fluctuations
  • Muscular (distrubuting) arteries
    more active in vasoconstriction
  • arterioles
    critically important in regulating blood flow and blood pressure
  • capillaries (smallest blood vessels)

    allow only a single red blood cell to pass at a time
  • venules
    are formed when capillary beds unite
  • veins
    capacitance vessels that contain 65% of the blood supply
    special adaptations: large diameter lumens; low resistance to flow, valves; prevent back flow of blood
  • blood flow
    actual volume of blood flowing through a vessel, an organ, or the entire circulation in a given period
  • total blood flow =
    cardiac output
  • blood flow is relatively constant when
    at rest
  • blood pressure
    force per unit area exerted on the wall of a blood vessel by its contained blood
  • blood pressure is measured
    in reference to systemic arterial blood pressure in large arteries near the heart
  • blood pressure differences within the vascular system provide
    the driving force that keeps blood moving from higher to lower pressure areas
  • peripheral resistance
    opposition to flow, the amount of friction that blood encounters as it passes through vessels, generally encountered in the systemic circulation
  • the three important sources of resistance are
    blood viscosity, total blood vessel length, and blood vessel diameter
  • increased body temperature reduces
    blood viscosity
  • decreased body temperature increases
    blood viscosity
  • blood viscosity
    thickness or stickiness of the blood, 1.8x more viscous than water
  • blood vessel length
    the longer the vessel, the greater the resistance encountered
  • blood vessel diameter
    resistance varies inversely with the vessel radius; small diameter arterioles are the major determinants if peripheral resistance
  • Fatty plaques from atherosclerosis
    Cause turbulent blood flow
    Dramatically increase resistance due to turbulence
  • arterial blood pressure is a measure of 2 factors
    compliance/distensibility and pulsatility
  • compliance/distensibility
    the ability of the elastic arteries to stretch
  • pulsatility
    the volume of blood forced into these vessels at any time; pressure fluctuations; reflect the volume changes
  • during systole blood is forced
    forward because pressure in the aorta is higher then in the distal vessels
  • during diastole aortic pressure
    drops as the elastic arteries of the aorta recoil and blood moves forward
  • differences in systolic and diastolic pressure =
    pulse pressure
  • pulse pressure
    temporarily raised by increased stroke volume and faster blood ejection
    chronically elevated by atherosclerosis; arteries are less stretchy
    changes with each heart beat; map is a more reliable measure of the pressure level delivering blood to tissues
    map and pulse pressure decrease with distance from the heart
  • MAP =

    [(2 x diastolic) + systolic] / 3
  • there are two basic mechanisms for regulating blood pressure
    long term mechanisms and short term mechanisms
  • long term mechanisms
    kidneys regulate blood volume
  • short term mechanisms

    recruit both neural and chemical control
    regulate vessel diameter, heart rate, and heart contractility
    rising and falling blood pressure
  • short term regulation of rising blood pressure
    rising blood pressure causes stretching of arterial walls which stimulates the baroreceptors in the carotid sinus, the aortic arch, and other large arteries of the neck and thorax, which increases impulses to the brain and decreases sympathetic activity and increases parasympathetic activity
  • decreased sympathetic activity in rising blood pressure
    regulation of vascular smooth muscule increases arteriolar diamater and lowers blood pressure
  • increased parasympathetic activity in rising blood pressure
    lowers cardiac output which reduces heart rate and contractility and lowers blood pressure
  • short term regulation of falling blood pressure
    no stretching of arterial walls inhibits baroreceptors and decreases impulses to the brain which increases sympathetic activity and decreases parasympathetic activity
  • increased sympathetic activity in falling blood pressure
    contraction of vascular smooth muscles decreases arteriolar diameter and raises blood pressure
  • decreased parasympathetic activity in falling blood pressure
    higher cardiac output and increases heart rate and contractility and raises blood pressure
  • short term regulation of blood pressure: hormonal control of rising blood pressure
    decreased sympathetic activity decreases impulses to adrenal glands which decreases release of epinephrine and norepinephrine into the blood and decreases heart rate, contractility and vasoconstriction which lowers blood pressure
  • short term regulation of blood pressure: hormonal control of falling blood pressure

    increases sympathetic activity which increases impulses to adrenal glands and increases the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine which increases heart rate, contractility, and vasoconstriction which increases blood pressure