Circulation : the movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels
arteries carries blood away from the heart
artery walls contain elasticfibres and smoothmuscle
elastic fibres in arteries walls allow for them to expand to accommodate for the extra blood. they also recoil when ventricle relax, keeping blood moving and maintaining pressure
Vasoconstriction : muscle contract to reducediameter of artery, reducingbloodflow to organ
Vasodilation : muscle relax to increasediameter of artery, increasing blood flow to an organ
smoothmuscle in artery walls donot contract and relax to moveblood
Arterioles supply blood to capillaries and are made of smooth muscle
Vasodilators are substance that produces a localwidening, or dilation, of arterioles. they include carbondioxide, lacticacid which are wastes from cellularrespiration
Heat energy from cellular respiration tends to increase blood temp which contributes to an increase in heart rate
capillaries are the links between arteries and veins
capillaries are microscopic blood vessels that forms a network to carry the blood close to nearly every cell. they allow the cells to get their requirements for cellular respiration from the blood and for them to pass their wastes into the blood.
capillary walls are one cell thick allowing substances to pass easily between blood and cells
veins carry blood towards the heart
veins do not have muscular walls meaning they cannot change diameter. the pressure in veins are constant meaning they do not have to be elastic
Blood pressure is relatively low because is loses pressure from flowing through capillaries, therefore the walls are thinner than arteries, and many have valves to prevent blood flowing backwards
capillaries join into venules, which join to larger veins, which all culminate into the inferior / superiorvenacava and pulmonaryveins
the venacava brings blood from body to rightatrium, with the superior bringing blood from above heart and inferior brings blood from below heart
the pulmonaryveins bring blood from lungs to leftatrium, there are 4 veins, 2 from each lung