Cognitive development

Cards (57)

  • "How" (key word) children come to develop knowledge was first theorised by whom
  • Infants have a difficult time with the concepts of what
    Fairness and other peoples perspectives
  • How do infants explore the world and what stage according to Piaget
    Sensorimotor stage

    Senses and motor abilities.

    Accidental and own bodies initially.

    intentional once able to sit up 4-8 m
  • What's genetic epistemology
    The study of how we develop knowledge
  • How do young children develop the knowledge that we have as adults ?
  • Piaget's cognitive development theory
    Constructivist theory.
    A stage theory.

    Children actively construct knowledge with manipulation and exploration of the world.


    Four stages
  • What was Piaget's theory?
    cognitive development and "how" this is developed.
  • Developmental psychology pre Piaget focused on what?
    "when" children develop certain abilities.

    Piaget focused on "how" they develop knowledge
  • Describe the 4 stages of constructivist theory
    1. Sensorimotor
    2. Pre operational
    3. Concrete operational
    4. Formal operational
  • When is the sensorimotor stage?
    birth to 2 years
  • When is the pre-operational stage?
  • When is the concrete operational stage?
    7-11 years
  • When is the formal operational stage?

  • What is meant by a stage theory (Piagets)

    Children construct knowledge one stage at a time. Each stage builds on the one before.
  • What's active exploration
    How we develop and construct knowledge according to Piaget
  • Can children skip a stage in Piagets cognitive development theory?
    No, must occur sequentially, some achieve at different ages, but in sequence, can't skip a stage.
  • What's schema or schemata
    Basic skill or motor ability's, knowledge or concept that we all have that guides our learning.

    Essence of Piagets theory, he believe infants have schema from the beginning it guides our learning.
  • Schema (4 bullet points)
    -Basic skill
    -motor ability's
  • What's object permeance?
    Understanding objects continue to exist even when not visible.

    Through exploring the world with senses and motor ability's they develop this.
  • Disequalibrium (Piaget)

    When people encounter something that is inconsistent with what they already know (as per our schema)
  • What does assimilation and accommodation help develop
  • Object permeance is reliant on what
    Mental representations
  • Two ways to deal with disequilibrium (Piaget)
    Accomodate (create new concept)
    Assimilate (add to existing knowledge)
  • sensiormotor stage

    First stage


    Exploring with senses and motor abilities.

    At first exploring own body.

    At 4-8 months they explore things and people around them (when they can sit up on their own)

    Beginning with reflexes.

    End of this period a lot of actions done with "intention"
  • What age does object permeance develop
    8-12 months typically
    Recently 3.5 months
    Violation of expectations paradigm
  • Criticisms of Piaget theory: task demands

    Performance on Piaget tasks based on "Task demands"

    In his tasks it involved a high reliance on language and verbalizing critical thinking which can underestimate some children's abilities
  • Criticisms of Piaget theory: socio cultural influences
    Piaget promoted learning secondary to independent exploration of environment

    Formal operational stage (heavily reliant on systematic/scientific thinking) could be influenced by education (thought processes required for this stage not necessarily naturally occurring)
  • When did Piaget suggest object permanence was developed
    "Gradually" between 8-24 months
  • What age does the infant shift from exploring their own body's to exploring world around them? And what stage is this called?
    4-8 months
    Sensorimotor stage.
  • Infants go from exploring own body's to the world around them. How does it start and progress on?
    Starts as accidental then becomes more and more intentional.
  • What guides our learning according to Piagets theory of cognition ?
  • How do children develop schemas
  • What's mental representation
    Related to object permeance.

    Able to keep image of object inside their heads.
  • What did Piaget argue in regard to object permeance and the range of complete development.
    Development of object permeance is incomplete until end of the sensorimotor stage (age 2) until they are able to develop "mental representations"
  • Fixation on one single aspect of a situation is what and how is it demonstrated

    Conservation tasks
  • What's "conservation tasks" (Piaget) and what different tasks do we measure
    Certain characteristics of objects remain the same even when their outward appearance changes

  • Easiest conservation task to grasp
  • Hardest conservation task to grasp and at what age

    Weight, 8-10 years old
  • Ability to think logically is achieved when able to what:
    When able to "reverse" certain events (demonstrated via conservation tasks).

    Distinction clear in water example.

    When presented with "concrete" information (can directly see).
  • Pendulum task (Piaget)

    Tests children and adolescents' abilities to use "systematic" "scientific reasoning" to solve a problem with multiple solutions.

    Formal operational stage