
Subdecks (23)

Cards (449)

  • Economies of scale
    When the cost per unit of a product falls as a business expands
  • Market share
    The portion of a business's sales within its market
  • Internal diversification
    Where a business grows by selling more of its own products
  • External growth
    Where a business grows by joining with another business
  • Turnover
    Measured by the price, multiplied by the number of units sold
  • Market Capitalisation
    Measures the business by the value of its shares
  • Franchising
    Paying a franchise owner to open an established business
  • Franchisor
    Sells the franchise to the franchisee
  • Franchisee
    Buys the franchise from the franchisor
  • E-commerce
    Involves trading online
  • Outsourcing
    When a business uses another business to produce some or all of its products or to provide a service
  • Merger
    When two or more businesses join together to form a new business
  • Takeover/acquisition
    When one business gains control of another
  • Business environment
    All of the outside factors that effect a business such as economic changes, changes in law etc.
  • Competitive environment
    How businesses compete with others to attract and keep customers
  • Business Sectors
    • Primary Sector
    • Secondary Sector
    • Tertiary Sector
  • Primary Sector
    The first stage of production such as fishing, farming or all exploration
  • Secondary Sector
    Second stage using the primary resources and turning them into products - manufacturing
  • Tertiary Sector
    Organisations that provide the service such as estate agent
  • Private Sector
    Businesses that are owned by private individuals to make a profit
  • Public Sector
    Organisations Owned by the government such as the NHS
  • Horizontal Integration
    This is where a business joins with another at the same stage of the production process.
  • Vertical Integration

    This is where a business joins with another at a different stage of the same production process.
  • Backward Vertical Integration
    This is where the business joins with its suppliers.
  • Forward Vertical Integration

    This is where a business joins with its distributors.
  • Conglomerate Integration
    This is where a business joins with another in a different type of production process.
  • PLC
    A public limited company
  • LTD
    A private limited company
  • Shareholders
    People who have bought shares in a limited company
  • Dividend
    Payment made to shareholders
  • Limited Liability
    A shareholder's responsibility for the debts of a business is limited to the amount he/she has invested in the purchase of shares
  • Itds
    Tend to sell shares to friends and family
  • plcs
    Sell shares to the general public on the stock exchange
  • why make a business plan?
    -It will be needed by banks before lending money
    -It shows how the business will be run
    -It shows the business has been researched and thought through
    -It shows opportunities and problems
  • Sole Trader
    Businesses owned by one person who has unlimited liability. Other people can be employed but there is only one owner.
  • Advantages of being a Sole Trader
    • Profit can keep all profit/ no need to share
    • Making decisions→without consulting others/will be speedy
    • Own boss free to choose / any example
    • Independence → can work at own pace
    • Easy to set up→ few formalities
    • cheaper to set up
    • Have a job
  • Disadvantages of being a Sole Trader
    • Unlimited liability responsible for debts of the business
    • More responsibility → relies heavily on their own ability to make decisions → may work long hours and have limited holidays, as there is no one to cover them
    • Limited sources of resources
  • Unlimited Liability
    Means that the owners of a business are responsible for all of the debts of a business. Personal belongings may need to be given up to pay the debts of the business.
  • Public Sector
    Organisations owned and controlled by the government
  • Aims & Objectives of Public Sector
    • Provide a service
    • Improve accessibility to others
    • Avoid wasteful duplication of resources