Baren-Cohen et al

Cards (16)

  • Psych Being Investigated
    autism spectrum disorder (ASD): difficulties social functioning
    -refers to both high func (HFA) and Asperger Synd (AS)
    people w ASD lack/underdeveloped cog processes

    theory of mind: differences understanding people have own thoughts, pov
    -identify emotional state w mental state
  • Background
    investigated whether adults w ASD had problem w theory of mind
    -comp group individuals w AD (1997)
  • Practical Issues Revised Version
    -only 2 options changed to 4
    -basic emotions changed to complex
    -check direction gazing was deleted
    -imbalance of m/f to equal
    -par might not understand word now given glossary
  • Aim
    whether improved 'revised' version of the eyes test show a clear impairment in ASD adults asses effectiveness
    -association between performance on rev eye test + measures of traits of ASD to investigate whether sex dif in those w/o ASD on task
  • 5 hypotheses
    -par w ASD will score significantly lower scores on rev eye test than cg
    -par w ASD score sig higher on Autism Spectrum Quotient Test (AQ)

    -females in norm groups (2/3) score higher on eyes test than males
    -males in norm group score higher in AQ measure than females

    -scores on AQ and eyes test negative correlate
  • Research Method
    labratory exp: quasi (assigned to condition based on given characteristic)
    exp design: independent groups; comparisons made betw different groups

    IV: type of participants in each condition
    -3 control/comparison groups 2-4
    -1 exp group/AS/HFA group 1
    DV: score on revised eye test + AS/HFA IQ matched control cond: IQ
  • Sample: G1
    -15 males, IQ score 115
    -mean age 29.7yrs
    -self selecting: adverts Autistic Soc Mag + support groups diagnosed spec centers using DSM/ICD criteria
  • Control: G2
    Adult Comparison:
    -selected from adult community/education classes in Exter (UK) and public library users Cambridge
    -mean age 46.5yrs
  • G3
    Student Comparison:
    -selected Univ Cambridge, highly selective, not rep of gen pop
    -mean age 20.8yrs
  • G4
    Matched IQ:
    -14 IQ matched par mean age 28 yrs
    -mean IQ 116
    -randomly selected from gen pop
  • Procedure
    40 sets words, 1 target word + 3 foil words = 4
    -4 prod inconsistent results in cg, 36 18m/f

    BEGIN: dictionary for words to read through all at first, could refer to later on
    -eyes test for all participants, gender recognition only group 1 as a control task
    -identify characteristics of eyes not dependent on theory of mind
  • Results
    par w AS/HFA G1 correctly identified fewer target words(mean score 21.9) than 3 comp groups (G2: 26.2; G3: 28; G4: 30.9)

    adult/student comp: sex dif apparent betw m/f (not sig)
    -AS/HFA: 33+/36 gender recog

    AQ task: par AS/HFA scored higher (35) than student comp/IQ
    -smaller but sig dif betw m/f in student comp

    significant negative correlation betw AQ/Eye test scores (-0.53) no correlation betw IQ/Eyes test
    SUGGESTS: AQ score increases ability to identify correct target word in eyes test decreases (indep of individuals intelligence)
  • Conclusion
    par in AS/HFA group had spec deficit in cog proc help them identify emotions in others (theory of mind)
    -eyes test detected subtle, specific impairment in otherwise intelligent

    sex dif: patter in males similar to ASD (lower scores on eye tests/greater levels autistic traits on AQ than fem) needs more reas

    -revised eye test more sensitive measure adult soc intelligence
  • Strengths
    lab exp: comp tasks standardized way
    -reduced confunding var (risk of distractions =quiet room, read glossary before starting)
    -improved internal validity + allows replicability
    eyes test improve prev vers: changes led to normal perf (no ceiling effect)
  • Weakness
    quasi exp: not possible to randomly allocate par to cond (could introduce confunding variable other factors than ASD affecting scores betw cond)
    -partially resolved w 2 dif control grouos
    lacks ecological validity: static (eyes isolation, whole faces instead of just eyes)
    -attempt to apply everyday situation flawed
    -couldve used videos over images
    experimental sample only 15par, not representative to all w AS/HFA
  • Ethical Issues
    informed consent, data kept confidential
    -terms 'normal' performance and 'impaired' AS/HFA represent neurodiverse groups in negative way
    -could be argued provide understanding