Cognitive approach

    Cards (12)

    • Cognitive approach
      Thought processes can and should be studied scientifically, the mind works like a computer with inputs, processing, and outputs
    • Cognitive psychology
      • Uses theoretical models (e.g. multi-store model of memory)
      • Looks at behaviour in a series of distinct steps
    • Information processing model
      Compares the human mind to a computer
    • Schemas
      Cognitive representations of our ideas about a person or situation, formed through experiences, allow us to predict and process information quickly but can also lead to distortions
    • Cognitive neuroscience
      Looks for a biological basis for thought processes, combining cognitive and biological psychology
    • Cognitive approach
      • Uses scientific methodology, highly controlled lab studies to infer cognitive processes
      • Use of brain scanning techniques (e.g. fMRI) in cognitive neuroscience enhances scientific credibility
    • Weakness of cognitive approach
      Uses abstract concepts (e.g. schemas, theoretical models) that are difficult to scientifically evidence, leading to lack of falsifiability and subjective interpretation
    • Weakness of cognitive approach
      Theoretical models may oversimplify complex processes, overlooking the role of emotion
    • Weakness of cognitive approach
      Suggests people are mechanistic and lack free will, which contradicts the concept of free will
    • George Miller first used the term 'cognitive neuroscience' in 1971
    • MRI and PET scans have enabled scientists to systematically observe and describe the neurological basis of mental processes
    • Mark Breakdown: A01 - 6 marks, AO3 - 10 marks
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