Cards (9)

    • strength is that it has a good understanding of the structure of memory which allows researchers to expand on the model
    • a strength is there is a lot of scientific research to support the model which increases its reliability and validity
    • a strength I that there are real-life case studies to support the model which proves it can be applied to real situations which increases the validity
    • a weakness of using case studies is that you don't know what they were like before the accident also it is based on one person so cannot be generalised to a whole population
    • a weakness is that the model focuses on the structure rather than the process as it doesn't explain there are different types of STM and LTM
    • a strength is that a lot of research comes from lab studies which can be replicated and are viewed as reliable as they are more vali
    • a weakness is that the model is too simple to explain the whole of the human memory model as each section is very complicated
    • a weakness is that it is reductionist and doesn't give an insight to all components
    • a weakness is that lab studies are used which is an artificial setting so cannot be sure if findings can be generalised to real-life situations as people might be reacting due to demand characteristics
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