Module 1

Cards (48)

  • Cocktail Party Effect
    Ability to focus on one out of many voices
  • Cognitive Processes
    • Paying attention to conversations
    • Memorizing information for a test
  • Cognitive Psychology
    Studies how people perceive, learn, remember, and think about information
  • A Cognitive Psychologist may study how people perceive various shapes, remember some facts, forget others, or learn the language
  • Addressing Fundamental Issues
    1. A thesis is proposed
    2. An antithesis emerges
    3. A synthesis integrates the viewpoints
  • Thesis
    A statement of belief
  • Antithesis
    A statement that counters a previous statement of belief (thesis)
  • Synthesis
    Integrates the most credible features of two (or more) views
  • The most widely accepted current contention is that the "nature or nurture" view is incomplete. Nature and nurture work together in our development.
  • Asians
    • More dialectic in thinking, more likely to tolerate contradictory beliefs and seek synthesis that'll resolve the contradiction
  • Europeans and other North Americans
    • More linear, expect their belief systems to be consistent with each other
  • Asian cultures
    • Take different viewpoints when approaching a new object, emphasize context more than the objects embedded in the contexts
  • Western Cultures
    • Generally process objects independently of the context
  • European Cultures
    • Process objects in conjunction with the surrounding context
  • The evidence suggests that culture influences many cognitive processes, including intelligence.
  • Psychology emerged as a new independent field of study, only recently.
  • Structuralism
    Seeks to understand the structure (configuration of elements) of the mind and its perceptions by analyzing those perceptions into their constituent components
  • Functionalism
    Suggests that psychologists must focus on thought process rather than their contents. Seeks to understand what people do and why they do it.
  • Introspection
    To look inward at pieces of information passing through consciousness. It aims to look at the elementary components of an object or process.
  • Through Introspection, the study of the mind shifted from a rationalist approach to the empiricist approach.
  • Introspection experiments
    • Researchers would ask the participants to think "aloud" while working on a puzzle.
  • Associationism
    Examines how elements of the mind forms learning
  • Associationism
    • Contiguity (associating things that tend to occur together at about the same time)
    • Similarity (associating things with similar features or properties)
    • Contrast (associating things that show polarities, such as hot/cold, light/dark, day/night)
  • Behaviorism
    Focuses ONLY on the relation between observable behaviour and environmental events or stimuli
  • Gestalt Psychology
    States that we best understand psychological phenomena when we view them as organized, structured wholes. We cannot fully understand behavior when only breaking phenomena into smaller parts.
  • "The whole is more than the sum of its parts"
  • Cognitivism
    Belief that much of human behavior regarding how people think can be understood. Rejects the notion that psychologists should avoid studying mental processes because they are unobservable.
  • Human intelligence
    The capacity to learn from experience, use metacognitive processes to enhance learning and adapt to the surrounding environment
  • More intelligent people are superior in divided and selective attention, working memory, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and concept formation.
  • Three-Stratum Model of Intelligence
    Intelligence compromises a hierarchy of cognitive abilities compromising three strata: Stratum I (narrow and specific abilities), Stratum II (broad abilities), Stratum III (single general intelligence)
  • Theory of Multiple Intelligences
    Intelligence comprises multiple independent constructs, not just a single, unitary construct. Distinguishes 8 distinct intelligences, each with a separate functioning system.
  • The Eight Intelligences
    • Visual-Spatial
    • Linguistic-Verbal
    • Logical-Mathematical
    • Body-Kinesthetic
    • Musical
    • Interpersonal
    • Intrapersonal
    • Naturalistic
  • Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
    Emphasizes the separateness of different types of intelligence
  • Types of intelligence
    • Visual-Spatial
    • Linguistic-Verbal
    • Logical-Mathematical
    • Body-Kinesthetic
    • Musical
    • Interpersonal
    • Intrapersonal
    • Naturalistic
  • Creative Abilities
    Used to generate novel ideas
  • Analytical Abilities
    Used to ascertain whether your ideas or others are good
  • Practical Abilities
    Used to implement and persuade others of their value
  • Cognitive psychology research methods
    • Laboratory or other controlled experiments
    • Psychobiological research
    • Self-reports
    • Case studies
    • Naturalistic observation
    • Computer simulations
    • Artificial intelligence
  • Meta-Components
    Higher-order executive process like metacognition used to plan, monitor, and evaluate problem-solving
  • Performance Components
    Lower-order process used for implementing the commands of the meta-components