Cards (12)

  • when is civil war declared
    2nd august 1642
  • where did the royalist army base themselves
  • who does the Royal Navy declare for
  • who is the north and west for?
  • who is the south and east for?
  • why did Henrietta Maria go to Flanders?
    to pawn crown jewels for money for guns and arms
  • Where did Charles declare war on 2nd August 1642?
  • What was the Royal Navy's stance during the civil war?
    Declared for Parliament
  • Which areas supported the King and which supported Parliament?
    North and west = King; South and east = Parliament
  • What happened at the Siege of Selby in 1643?
    Parliament won it back
  • What did Henrietta Maria do for money?
    Pawned crown jewels in Flanders
  • Why did Newcastle have to go to Newcastle?
    To defend from the Scots