stem cells can proliferate into more stem cells through mitosis or differentiate into a specialised cell
differentiation is the process by which cells become specialised. during mitosis, different genes become activated, allowing cells to specialise
stem cells can differentiate under right conditions and are triggered by :
internal signals are controlled by genes being on or off
external signals are signals in the cells environment like chemicalssecreted by other cells, physicalcontact with other cells and certain molecules in the microenvironment
potency is the number of possiblefates open to a cell, this decreases with age
totipotent cells have the ability to create any cell of the body and embryonic membrane
e.g. cells of embryo within the firstfewmitoticdivisions
pluripotent cells can form any cell of the body but not the embryonic membrane
e.g. embryonic stem cells
multipotent cells can only form some cells of the body
e.g. umbilical cord blood and placental stem cells, adultstem cells