Acanthamoeba usually causes infection in immunocompromised patients. It is a free living amoeba that causes inflammation of the brain substance and its meningeal coverings(meningoencephalitis)
Granulomatous amebic encephalitis – infection occurs primarily in immunocompromised individuals. The parasite produces this brain
abscesses in immunocompromised patients. Symptoms develop slowly and may include headache, seizures, stiff neck, nausea, and vomiting. The brain lesions may contain both the trophozoites and the cysts
Keratitis – infection of the cornea of the eye. Symptoms include severe eye pain and vision problems. Loss of vision may occur due to perforation of the cornea.
The laboratory diagnosis for acanthamoeba are Cerebrospinalfluid, Corneal scraping and Calcoflour white stain
The treatment for acanthamoeba are pentamidine, Ketoconazole, flucytosine
For acanthamoeba that infects the eye the treatment are miconazole, chlorhexidine, itraconazole, rifampicin and propamidine, and ketoconazole
Propamidine has the best record for treating acanthamoeba for topical
Naegleria is found in fresh warmwater, and contaminatedsoil
Asymptomaticinfection – the most common clinical presentation in patients with colonization of the nasal passages in naegleria
Primaryamoebicmeningoencephalitis – the result of colonization of the brain by the amoeboid trophozoites leading to rapid tissue destruction. Patients initially complain of sore throat, nausea, vomiting, fever, and headache
the treatment for naegleria are AmphotericinB together with rifampicin and miconazole
Ways to avoid naegleria are hot tubs and chlorinationofpools
The vector female sandfly of the Phlebotomus
and Lutzomyia
The three morphologic forms of the Hemoflagellates Leishmania spp are amastigote, promastigote, and epimastigote
The infective stage of Hemoflagellates is promastigote
The pathogenic stage and diagnostic form of Hemoflagellates Leishmania is the amastigote which is found primarily in tissue and muscle, as well as the central nervous system
There are three major strains of Leishmania are L. braziliensis, L.tropica, and L. donovani
The vector of trypanasoma spp is triatomidbug
Chagasdisease is the disease caused by trypanasoma cruzi
L. Donovani treatment amphotericin B, sodiumstibogluconate
Allopurinol is the treatment for trypanasoma cruzi
The causative agent of African sleep disease is T.gabiense and T.rhodesiense
T. gambiense T. rhodesiense vector is tsetse fly or glossina
melarsoprol, suramin, pentamidine, and eflornithine is the treatment for african sleeping disease caused by T. rhodesiense and T. gabiense
Anopheles mosquito is the vector of plasmodium spp
The infective stage is the sporozoite and Merozoites pathogenic stage of plasmodium spp
oocysts is the infective form of toxoplasma gondii
The trophozoites of Toxoplasma gondii is tachyzoites and bradyzoites
Clindamycin, sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine is the treatment for toxoplasmosis