homeostasis: tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state
basal metabolic rate: rate at which the body uses energy for vital functions while at rest
BMR= the body's resting rate of energy expenditure
BMI= measure of your weight
positive energy balance: occurs when caloric intake exceeds calories expended for energy; excess glucose is converted into body fat
negative energy balance: occurs when calorie intake falls short of the calories expended for energy; body fat stores shrink as the reserve energy in fat cells is used
set point: the point at which an individual long- term "weight thermostat" is supposedly set
hypothalamus: the control center (2 areas: lateral and ventromedial areas)
glucose: form of sugar which circulates through the body; converted by the liver and stored as glycogen
insulin: a hormone that allows the body to use glucose for energy or fat production; secreted by the pancreas
satiation signals: sensing when to stop feeling of fullness and diminished desire to eat
leptin: secreted by the body's adipose tissue
body chemistry and environmental factors influence when we are hungry and our taste preferences
genes influence body weight
external incentives: sight, sound, and smell of food; influence the foods we like and don't like
obesity: condition characterized by excessive body fat and a BMI equal to or greater than 30
overweight: condition characterized by a BMI between 25 and 29.9