motivation unit

Subdecks (4)

Cards (63)

  • emotions: a mix of bodily arousal, expressive behavior, and conscious experience
  • basic emotions are innate and "hard-wired"
  • James-Lange theory: arousing stimulus triggers a physiological reaction, then awareness comes; arousal 1st, emotion 2nd
  • Cannon-Bard theory: arousal and emotion occur simultaneously
  • Schachter and Singer: two factors- 1. physically aroused 2. cognitively label the arousal; love bridge study
  • emotions can take 2 pathways (1. high road: sent to the cortex to be analyzed then to the amygdala) (2. low road: travel directly to amygdala some emotions don't involve deliberate thinking)
  • emotional intelligence: the capacity to understand and manage your own emotions and perceive and respond appropriately to the emotional responses of others
  • interpersonal engagement: the degree to which an emotion involves relationships in which others
  • Zajonc and LeDoux: reflexive responses (feel 1st, think 2nd); not all emotions need thinking
  • insula: a neural center deep inside the brain
  • Richard Lazarus: cognitive mediational theory- emotions arise from our brains automatic appraisal of an event
  • polygraph: a machine that measures many physiological responses accompanying emotion