social motivation

Cards (10)

  • autonomy: sense of personal control
  • competence: we experience a deep sense of well- being
  • self- esteem: a gauge of how valued and accepted we feel
  • insecure anxious attachment: constantly craving acceptance but remaining vigilant to signs of possible rejection
  • avoidant attachment: feeling such discomfort over getting close to others that they employ avoidant strategies to maintain their distance
  • ostracism: social exclusion (ex. exile, imprisonment)
  • cyberostracism: it elicits increased activity in brain areas such as the anterior cingulate cortex (activated in response to physical pain)
  • acetaminophen lessens social as well as physical pain
  • narcissism: self- esteem gone awry; self important and self- promoting
  • social rewards- our need for affiliation is driven by psychological factor